

28 April 2023
Quality Building Award 2022 awardees were announced. Congratulations to all winners. Click here for the winner list and award ceremony photos.

6 Feb 2023
Click here to reserve a table for Quality Building Award (QBA) 2022 Awards Presentation Ceremony registration, it will be held on April 28, 2023 (Friday).

22 Aug 2022
The list of finalists is now available here. The finalists will conduct presentation in front of the Jury Panel on 16 – 17 September 2022.

7 Aug 2022
The second stage of judging process of Quality Building Award 2022 was successfully held on 6 & 7 Aug. Jurors and assessors conducted a two-day visit to over 35 projects for site inspections and evaluations. Nomination projects are located in different regions of Hong Kong, including Hong Kong residential buildings, non-residential buildings, renovation or revitalization buildings, building outside Hong Kong and temporary building.