
About QBA

Smart | Sustainable | Superior

This biennial industry award has become one of the highlights among professionals in the building industry as well as interested stakeholders in the community, as it sets the standard in addressing excellent teamwork in the design and construction of quality buildings.

The provision of quality buildings is fundamental to the prosperity and quality of life in our modern society. The Quality Building Award aims to promote a collective commitment by the building industry, to maintain the highest standards of professionalism and competitiveness.

The coming QBA 2022 theme with the theme of “Smart | Sustainable | Superior”, creating an invaluable opportunity for professionals to be celebrated for working holistically in the communities they serve. 


QBA 2022 is jointly organized by nine professional organizations in Hong Kong (in alphabetical order):

The Hong Kong Construction Association
The Hong Kong Institute of Architects
The Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers QBA2022 Chairing Organization
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
The Hong Kong Institute of Housing
The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors 
The Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency
The Hong Kong Chapter of International Facility Management Association
The Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong